Friday, October 06, 2006

Let's Be Community!

I want to kick off the new, official BCC Blog here with a simple thought... God is always revealing Himself and His heart to us. And He has given us the capacity to get heart-to-heart in such a way as to share those very personal revelations in some very edifying kinds of expressions. Now, we say we're a close family, and that may well be. But we seem to be somewhere between easily distracted, overly quiet and deeply contemplative.

Well, BCC, it's time to open up! There are so many stories to tell, so many "downloads" from the Holy Spirit, and so many ways to encourage and challenge each other (or even rant a bit if you need to!), that I think it's time to start.

This blog is initially set up with only our leader team as actual members, which means they can all post blogs. Since we don't know yet how many people should all be blogging, we've allowed everyone else to post commments but not separate blogs (yet). (If you want to blog, register at and you can have your own and put a link in
your comments... I'm still gonna get a bit more hardcore on my PBN blog, by the way). But none of this takes away from the ability to share back and forth (it just makes it a little less insane).

So, if you want to post a comment to anything you read, just click on the "comment" link and write one up. It automatically goes to my e-mail where I'll approve it (this is to protect us against outside blog spam since this is a public site).

Enough of the instructions. Let's talk about what God is doing and showing us and wher He's taking each of us. In a high-tech world, this is one solid step toward the kind of sharing a community does all the time!

Live Courageous!
